harry potter
Abner of Astlegate's Most Splendid Pox by Cate
Sirius peered blearily at the spots covering Remus' chest. "They don't look like chickens."
"That's not why . . . "
"Why call it chickenspots if the spots don't look like chickens?"
"Nggghhhh." Remus rubbed the heels of his hands into his eyes. "Chickenpox. Pox pox pox."
Sirius gasped a little, and clutched at the sheets. "Are you clucking?"
Bock. There is nothing more to say.
And The Water Runs Red by Eve
h. when the stars are not out and the sky is clear you recite the alphabet because it makes you feel safe because you think that you remember that the green eyes used to do that when he lay in bednexttoyou when you had nightmares.
I love reading stories that are of a different style, of a different voice, something original. This story definitely fits, it's emotional and short and leaves you wanting, but it definitely makes an impression.
Apogee by Eve
"I'll be It," said Remus dryly, not looking up from his Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook.
"Dammit, Moony," Sirius pulled a face, rolling up his Divination scroll halfheartedly. "Last time you were It you just went back to your room and read for three hours. That's no way to play."
There's a wonderful wishfulness in the writing of this fic, a romanticism infused in every word. The boys are portrayed young and innocent, sweet in every way. It's a lovely get together story. [link broken, fic unavailable]
A Rare Descent by Shalott
He clamped his jaw shut. He didn't want to let it out, if he let it out it would never go back in, he knew it, but he couldn't bear the pain and the light was right over him now, and the words were beating against his clenched teeth, flailing in his throat, and he opened his mouth and let them out, and then he was gone, falling falling falling.
This story may seem like nice little normal story, but then you get to the sequels (Passing Through, The Eleventh Doorkeeper, The Seasonless World) are so dramatic, and so thrilling; it's the best - and worst - kind of adventure.
A Scrap Of Humanity by Hilary
'There's always a time when you find everything you thought was true about yourself is, at best, half-truth,' Severus said from the deep recesses of his memory. Draco could hear his mentor saying those words and see them on the pages of his diary. 'No matter how cold or how self-possessed you think you are, something will happen - depend upon it - that will drive you very nearly mad. It will come, Draco, if it hasn't yet.'
This and the sequel, The Metamorphosis Of Narcissus make for a very nice futurefic, where everybody's grown up and not quite the same anymore, and it's nice to get to know them again. Little bits of humor and wit, I especially like Ron here.
Boiling Point by Anniesj
No one else gets to tease Remus about his bookishness or poke fun at his chocolate stains, no one except Sirius. And even though Sirius himself never hits him (the occasional light thumping aside, which is good for Remus, really it is), no one else gets that privilege, either. In fact, no one else should even touch Moony, because-
Because he's mine.
Absolutely delicious, adorable and sexy, this is just spot on for characterisation as I like it, fun and charming. The thing with Maurader era is they're allowed to be happy and carefree - their time is before the war, before fear and darkness, and I want that. I like not having to face despair for a couple hours at a time, and this story is sweet and happy and makes me smile.
Beautiful World by Cinnamon
Draco Malfoy, afraid?
Because Harry Potter wanted to die. And Draco suddenly remembered Harry's words from the change rooms earlier. "You wouldn't know what to do with yourself if you didn't have me to constantly compare yourself to."
He wondered, suddenly, just how true that was.
I love what Cinnamon writes, she does brilliant cliffhangers; but this story hurt, and you read and read with some expectation of the end, and regardless which end you hope to see, it'll tug on your heartstrings when it plays out.
Beneath You by Cinnamon
"What's it about then?"
Us. Draco's eyes widened and he forced the strange thought away. "Fate," he said smoothly, grabbing Potter's wrist as Potter moved to open the door to the dressing room. "Do you believe in it, Harry?"
Then prove it isn't real," Draco challenged in a silken, tempting tone.
Cinnamon writes brilliant fic. The plot starts out adorable and cute, but hell if it doesn't get real hot, and real dramatic.
Best Interests by Team EWE
"You needn't worry, Potter." Draco hefted Teddy's bag as if he carried other people's luggage around every day. "We'll make sure that he behaves himself."
"I wasn't talking to Teddy," Harry shot him a pointed look. It was a weak joke; Harry was too busy panicking to be properly funny. "He likes a story and a glass of water before bed. Oh, will he be able to find a bathroom? And if he has a nightmare, you have to-"
"Merlin. Are you sure you're not the one who needs to be tucked in?" Draco sniped, still smiling. Harry blushed.
Written for the inaugural HP World Cup, this story starts out a little tough to get into, but the author goes on to develop the characterisations and puts together quite an adorable ending. I would love to see more stories in this world, or to have this story fleshed out some more.
Blood Speaks by Northlight
Your parents, you have been told, are heroes.
Though I don't generally read Neville-centered fic, this one is especially good. It really focusses in on his views of his parents, and presents his Gram in a much more flattering way than she is generally presented. Sad, but poignant story.
Cabin Fever by Michi
He's still got a pretty good idea of what reality is, himself. The reality is that they are trapped inside these walls, this ornately decorated prison. "37." The carpeting is plush and pushes back at his feet like something alive. "38." The reality is that it hasn't stopped snowing since before he even stumbled into here. "39." The reality is that he's trapped here with a slightly deranged possibly "40." dangerous self-proclaimed fugitive Draco Malfoy, "41." who really has nothing better to do with his time than try and look smart. "42." The reality is that it's been five days. "43. 44."
The counting makes wonderful rhythm in this story. A facinatingly dark twist on blanket-fic, but terribly short and unfinished. Perhaps one day; for now it's an interesting read with a wonderful premise. [link broken, fic unavailable]
Can I Have Another Quick Fuck? by Closet_Bound
They had both been doing paperwork, for once, at Hermione's insistence. As they had begun to work, Draco had been prepared for the soft muttering that always occurred when Harry was writing. He hadn't been prepared for the heat that rushed through his body at the first sibilant hiss that fell from Harry's slightly parted lips.
He had stopped working entirely to stare at Harry unbelievingly. There were days when Draco wondered if Harry was torturing him intentionally.
Mmm... delicious. The story is more intense than the title implies. A good deal of innuendo and sexuality, sexy build-up, emotional climax. Good on a slow, rainy day by yourself in front of the computer.
Concerning Flying Lessons, Snuffboxes, And One Hundred Galleons by Mary
"How's the fundraising going, Potter?"
"Perfectly well, Evans. I hope you're looking forward to the next weekend out of the school as much as I am," James replied in his I-am-very-suave-and-somewhat-roguish voice, which always made him sound like he wasn't quite through the tail end of puberty yet.
Sweet and sexy, a first-kiss/everything fic that's adorable and spotted with nice Lily/James chemistry.
Five Ways To Make Remus Lupin Smile by Circe
Without changing expression, Remus reaches up and flicks Sirius with the fringe of his Gryffindor scarf. "Got you," he says. But Sirius moves quickly and before Remus can blink he's wrapped in expensive cashmere-and-wool-and-Sirius.
A short fic of memories, not necessarily happy, certainly not sappy, but sweet nonetheless. Even though it's Remus/Sirius-centric, the stories show Remus and his interactions with other characters too.
Friend Like Me by Lady Vadar
You go to seek him out and, walking through the door to your room, your heart stops and shatters at your feet.
I've never read such an amazing second person pov before this story. There's so much emotion to every single word, it feels like you're right there in Draco's mind, and you want desperately to give him everything he wants. The last lines of the story are particularily heartbreaking.
Home Is A Feeling by JJTaylor
Remus starts the fire going before he goes to repair the plates. Then he makes a pot of tea, and sits down at the table, drinking cup after cup, trying to remember every thing in the cottage Sirius had ever touched.
Short and bittersweet, just the way I like them when I haven't got the time to start an epic. I love the the way Remus remembers all the little things, the way he tries to deal with his loss.
Irresistable Poison by Rhysenn
Draco enunciated each word clearly, his eyes burning with an uncommon flame. "Turn a hundred and eighty degrees, start walking, and don't stop until you reach Hogsmeade, or fall into the lake, whichever happens first. My point being, just go."
"Not until you tell me what the hell is going on." Harry refused to back down.
A pause, then very softly, "You don't want to know."
It seems like anyone who's ever been in hpfandom for any amount of time knows this story - it's the ultimate epic. When I first read it, the last chapter hadn't been written yet, and I was left thinking that the story ended there, which meant I felt absolutely shattered when I finished it. But even without the resolution of the last chapter, it was easily one of the best stories I'd ever read, because anything that evokes that kind of emotion is worth the tears you shed for it; Rhysenn writes beautifully.
On Hating Cats And Other Lies by Eudora Bragg
And Minerva, who does, in fact, remember, raises her glass but can't see it for the tears that blur this Christmas to another.
There aren't enough stories about the adults in the fandom, not about the Mauraders, but fic like this. This story gives heart and soul to a character that rarely gets the time of day. It's heartbreaking, but it's good.
Resolution by Frances Potter
Those green eyes had stared across the room at him as Harry had disrobed to reveal a Slytherin T-shirt. Emblazoned across the front it said:
My team lost to Gryffindor and all I got was this lousy t-shirt
Harry had then turned round and across the back it had read:
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin Seeker
I think this is one of the first HP stories I read - sexy and angsty and sweet, all mixed up in one. The writing's a little OCC at the beginning, but it gets better, much better. I love the interactions between Harry and Draco.
Seven Things That Didn't Happen On Valentine's Day At Hogwarts, Or Maybe They Did by Rageprufrock
Remus felt that Sirius was focusing on the wrong things. Perhaps, he ought to remind his friend -- no, his ex-friend -- that Remus was a werewolf, and that once a month, he liked nothing better than to attempt to bite people and tear helpless virgins and virtuous men limb from limb. Or so the story went.
Sirius frowned and moved closer, putting one hand on either side of Remus' face and leaning in until Remus was convinced he'd have to bite Sirius anyway -- fur and fangs or otherwise.
Absolutely adorable. Absolutely. Mauraderfic is some of my most favourite stuff, when it's about the four of them at Hogwarts, all manner of pranks (and believe me, this fic has pranks aplenty), but most of all, their friendship. Pru gives them the perfect voices, and I just love it. Hilarity insues, especially in fifth year, but throughout the entire fic, but there's more than that. Not just the silliness, but growing up, and learning about themselves, and each other, and of course, falling in love and getting hurt and learning to forgive.
Sirius Black, Super Genius by Maya
A few weeks later with Valentine's Day drawing inexorably nearer, it began to dawn on Remus that this did not appear to be one of the daydreams Sirius toyed with and then forgot about, like the time he wanted Dumbledore and McGonagall to get married and have superchildren.
This time it was happening, and it was infinitely more terrifying even than Sirius waylaying him after every class to whisper 'Think of the babies, Moony! Think of their enormous throbbing brains!'
Have I mentioned how much I love Maya? This is the most hilarious story, that's what I love about mauraderfic - it feels like Shoebox, but the voices are different, and Sirius is very much more crazy. Very much. Absolutely brilliant, and I laughed out loud at so many parts - just wonderful, and I wish I could quote the whole thing. Just, so good.
Skin Deep by Jack Ichijouji
James rubbed his temples. Talking to Sirius when he was in a mood such as this could be trying on one's patience-and sanity. "Sirius, do you-" Something caught James' eye. "Do you know you're not wearing any trousers?"
"What?" Sirius looked down. "Dammit! Now I'm pretty and I don't wear pants. The transformation has begun." He trudged sadly to his room, presumably to put on clothes appropriate for mourning his manhood.
Very cute and quite hilarious, the characterisation is a little different from what I'm used to - generally more thought out and less rambling. But it's short and entertaining, so there's no reason to not read it.
So You Want To Transfigure Yourself A Rock Band by Mousapelli
"Padfoot," Remus whispered as the footsteps pounded over their heads, "we're not doing anything secret!" Remus tried to pull away from Sirius, aware that if he did not stop seeing and smelling and touching Sirius in the next few seconds, lines were going to be crossed. Bad lines, ones with capital 'L's'.
So much UST, and Remus is so hilarious about it - when they finally get it together it's perfect and hot, but it's not it. There's angst and avoidance and anger, but Remus could never hold out for long.
Superman by Breed
"What? WHY?" Harry howled. He shrank back against the wall.
"Because Father refused to buy me leather trousers," Malfoy said with a pout. "I had to buy them myself. With my pocket money."
I love the voices in this - so hilarious! Very little plot, just a lot of humour.
The Levity Series by Rageprufrock
Ignoring Sirius -- now that was a paramount effort. He'd started attempting the feat as early as first year and had finally managed to perfect it by fourth: one simply didn't. Sirius didn't take to silence as most people did. James' prattle usually fell away, slowly and uncertainly and then into nervous silence. Peter always shut up at request. Sirius? Sirius took quiet as a personal affront, a triple dog dare, a challenge, as if someone threw down the gauntlet and said, "Talk. Talk until whomever you're talking at wants to kill you -- slowly."
I love Pru's writing, funny and heartfelt and sometimes devestating, this series (Magic Words, Vector, Levity, And Still) is brilliant. I love MWPP stories, and this is a good set.
The Only One He Ever Feared by JJTaylor
The next day, Harry gets a letter. It's delivered by an owl he doesn't recognize, which flies off immediately after dropping the letter in his hands. There are just two sentences written on the parchment: You've got it all wrong. We're not the bad guys.
It is signed Peter Pettigrew.
Harry burns the letter in the dust bin.
This will make your head explode. But it's good, and it leaves all the right unanswered questions. It's just - head. Exploding.
The Shadow Of His Wings by Mirabella
On the last day of Ginny Weasley's life the sea around Azkaban was as still as glass, skimmed with gold under the rising sun, no hindrance to a ferry powered by magic but unsettling nonetheless. Percy Weasley, making the crossing from the mainland for what he hoped would be the last time, kept his eyes turned away from the water and remembered the pride he had once felt at being sent here on the Ministry's behalf.
I love epics, and this one's brilliant. There's so much involved, and I wish it were finished, but I can wait, because the story's really good. I'm really looking forward to finding out what's going on, to reaching the climax and to have the Harry/Draco relationship resolved.
The Shoebox Project by Ladyjaida & Dorkorific
"It's all right for you," Sirius continues, "you've a heart like iron. Like stone. All crumply, like a sweet wrapper."
"A crumply iron stone wrapper?" Remus attempts.
"But with chocolate inside," Sirius clarifies.
Oh, who doesn't love SBP - cutest Mauraderfic ever. Remus is brilliant, especially in the first chapters, and the letters back and forth between him and Sirius are so wonderful. I just love reading this story, I still haven't finished it all, because it's my rainy day fic. When I feel bad I go and read Shoebox.
The Tale Of The Shining Prince by Illuferret
Draco measures his worth in his father's smiles but it is his mother to whom he turns when he is troubled. Father may hug him often, but Draco is silently discouraged from seeking out his father's embraces. Thankfully, he is allowed to seek his mother's.
Mother doesn't understand he's growing up. She sees a child when she looks at him. The tiny baby who came out of her womb and was nurtured with dragon's blood because he was so small. The child who scraped his knees running in the garden, broke his legs falling off his pony, cut his hands practicing potions making. Poor Mother. Who would suspect that Mother is such an excellent healer and nurse for her Draco?
But then again, Draco doesn't see the woman the reporters see when they interview her. He doesn't see icy elegance personified. He sees arms and smiles and a warm, warm pillow-lap where he can lay his head. He sees Mama.
This is an absolutely brilliant piece, mostly a character centric story about Draco. The voice is wonderful and the way the story is told, with the interludes of backstories and fairytales and little tidbits is very nice. The story is sad, but it's very good.
The Weather Trilogy by Shalott
Softly, "Don't."
"Don't what? Don't tell the truth?"
"Use Harry."
"Potter. Stop it. It can't be that way. When you walk out that door I'm your enemy and you're mine."
Starts off a little jarring, but there's passion to it, heat and sex and that kind of allure that you don't want to want but do. A Weather Of The Heart, and its sequels, A Weather Of The Eye, A Weather Of The World, take an awkward, non-relationship and make it something, even against Draco's will.
Transfigurations by Resonant
"Had an eyeful, Potter?" Malfoy spelled out the candle sharply. In the sudden darkness his voice sounded much louder. "My choice of the good cost me, you see, and it continues to cost me."
Harry remembered the sound of his mother screaming. Raised his hand halfway to his forehead, then let it fall again.
"I paid for mine after," he said, and stalked out, hearing the glass rattle behind him as the door swung shut.
The world that Resonant has created in this story is absolutely amazing. She takes J.K. Rowling's environment and gives it new life, new depths and perspectives - and it's all just as we'd have imagined it. Of all the author-created spells, I think Resonant creates the best ones, spells that aren't too easy, too simple, but ones that I could see in Rowling's books. This story's plotline is wonderfully developed, and I love that it's not just an H/D story, it's an adventure, and we learn about every single character, about every single loose end to be tied up. It's absolutely brilliant. And Repairs is a sweet little Ron/Hermione snippet sequel - I love all these characters.
Tomorrow, And Tomorrow, And Tomorrow by November Snowflake
"Sunset is a betrayal."
I love epics, and this one's pretty original - not too long too. The ending left something to be desired, and I don't love Harry in this story, but Draco, he's what I read it for. The prequel Tomorrow is good to read, after you've finished the actual story.
When Love Comes To Town by Abbandon
He wanted to be more than just 'Seamus-and-Dean'. He wanted to be Seamus.
Whoever that was.
Seamus/Dean is one of favourite little side HP ships, because they've got a great chemistry and friendship going on, outside of all the drama that is Harry Potter and the war. This one's cute, because in addition to Seamus and Dean, we get to see an insight on the author's view of Slytherin dynamics. Wonderful ending on this story, a great firstkiss!fic.
untitled story by Abaddon
"No, Harry," Hermione sighed, and took the object out of his hand, replacing it back on the tabletop. "That is actually my plastic wand, which doubles as both whip and vibrator, with the correct charm."
"Oh," said Harry, as there was little much one could say besides: "ARGH MY BRAIN, MY BRAIN" and run around the room screaming for someone to bludgeon him over the head with heavy objects.
Uhm. I won't lie and say this fic isn't really, really weird, but it's also hilarious - in a disturbing fashion. Very much a parody fic, making fun of everything that is the HP fandom. Plot is minimalistic and ridiculous at best, but that makes for the best humour.
Underwater Light by Maya
"I like my name!"
"Oh, no," Draco said dismissively. "It's a terrible name. Harry, for instance. To harry means to worry or harass, and to potter means to amble about. Think about the message you're sending out to the world! It sounds like you wander around harassing people."
"Well, now I see. Obviously, it should be your name."
a summary of the story that is long and involved to see the width of the div
Unfinished Business by Dee
Stood up and approached, slow and menacing. "Do you think I am? Do you think I'm plotting, planning, sinister, not to be trusted?"
Potter had taken his hands out of his pockets, stood up straight, was looking at Draco in a way that made him feel almost nostalgic. "I think you're melodramatic."
A little strange sometimes, the storyline, but I love Draco, I love how he tries to be so bad but he's wickedly good in his own matter. And Ginny's great in this story - grown up and sexy and I can almost see her, film noir, black and white - except for the hair - running around saving the world in stiletto heels.
Who Wrote The Book by Canis
Peek through the doorway and sure enough, there's the lazy lout, plastered to the cushions like you couldn't peel him off--and is that a book flumped pagefirst on his chest? Of course it is. Always happens. He hardly takes a nap without
pretending he's just going to do a bit of reading, persisting in self-delusion until his eyes slide shut and his hands fall loose. Then it's Sirius who picks up the tumbled book and lays it aside, down on the chocolate-brown carpet near the sleeper's reach.
So sweet it aches, this fit that refuses to be anything but perfect, and the last two paragraphs, the last line brings it all together beautifully. Thye're just that sort of right.